Najvise na svetu volim da pisem blog ovako bezveze, skroz opusteno, bez nekog "stiskanja", preteranog razmisljanja o pravopisu. Vec sasvim opusteno, lagano, onako iz glave, sta mi padne na pamet prvo to i pisem. I iskreno, bas mi prija. Bas mi prija ovaj povratak u blogerske vode, ponovno pisanje bloga i nove slicice. Za sve su to zasluzni praznici i drustvene mreze. I...

@lena_lennaaa Hello everybody, do you feel this amazing Christmas spirit already? I am so so excited about Holidays. I just love this amazing Christmas spirit and I am so happy for buying gifts, decorating Christmas tree and whole house. And especially I love making these magic Holiday photos. I chose some of ,y latest and my favorite photos from Instagram. Do you...

Hello my dear girls, and here I am with one great post about jewelry. I don't have and don't wear so much jewelry, I am not that kind of person to put on me thousand different rings and necklaces. I only wear one kind of jewelry.Some small necklace and watch and maybe some small ring. So recently I have decided to make something...

Hello dear girls and good morning! Here is one romantic topic for you. Like all the girls when I was little I was always imagining my wedding. I was so romantic and I thought that love is romantic and that life is romantic and i wanted to find my prince charming and have magical wedding with big ball gown wedding dress. I had...

And hello again my dear girls and I am continuing with my favorite topic. Dresses of course! I am searching on web all day and looking for amazing Bridesmaid dresses under 100. And I have found some amazing and beautiful pieces. I will put you some pictures here and you will see why I am so much in love with these amazing website....

Girls, if you are looking for plus size prom dresses here is the right web page for you. All girls are beautiful you just need to love yourself and respect yourself and if you want to be even more beautiful you just need to find right dress for you. So here I am helping you with that. Suzhoudress UK is the best place...

Today I choose NUDE COLORS and I choose cheap prom dresses . My favorite website ever is one of the most beautiful websites with amazing dresses. Nude is always in. Nude is always beautiful and natural. Nude is the new black. If you want to show up your summer tan NUDE is the best color. And this beautiful nude dresses you can find...

Well hello everyone! And here I am writing about one topic which is not so usual for my website but I think it's amazing and sooo good! Today we will talk about Electric Skateboard or StrailBoard which is the best electric skateboard ever. If you are a fan of skateboarding this is the best skateboard for you ever. This amazing thing exists for already 5...

Hello dear girls, and here is one of my favorite topics ever. Prom Dresses UK. If you need perfect prom dress here am I to help you find some of the best websites for that. Suzhoudress UK is one of the best websites for that. They have amazing dresses in every size, color and shape. On you is only to choose. Here are...

Hello my dear followers, Here I a, today with some new great stuff for your favorite iPad Pro and iPhone and iPad in general. I found one amazing website where you can find amazing covers and cases for your phones and tablets. The website is called . Click on the link and check out this amazing cases. If you need great case for...